The Healthy Matcha Guide: Lose 10lbs With This Nutrient-Rich Green Tea

The Healthy Matcha Guide: Lose 10lbs With This Nutrient-Rich Green Tea

We had one of our regular customers lose 10 lbs solely by integrating matcha tea into their weekday morning routine. 

10 lbs!! She mentioned that she doesn’t workout and didn’t change her diet. However, she believes that she might have started eating a little less because she was getting the nutrients that she was lacking from this green superfood that is one of the best coffee replacements. 

We had one of our regular customers lose 10 lbs solely by integrating matcha tea into their weekday morning routine. 

10 lbs!! She mentioned that she doesn’t workout and didn’t change her diet. However, she believes that she might have started eating a little less because she was getting the nutrients that she was lacking from this green superfood that is one of the best coffee replacements. 

Matcha, the vibrant green powdered tea hailing from Japan, has been making waves in the health and wellness community for its numerous benefits. But to truly appreciate and harness its power, it's essential to understand the art of preparing matcha properly. 

Aside from its delicious taste, matcha offers a variety of health benefits. Rich in antioxidants and nutrients, this coffee alternative drink has been linked to improved focus, enhanced metabolism, and of course,  weight loss. However, due to its higher caffeine content, it's recommended to consume matcha in moderation, ideally no more than one bowl a day.

Today, we want to walk you through how to make the richest, most vibrant and healthy cup of matcha so that you can reap all of the benefits that this green tea has to offer. 

Step 1: Choose The Right Matcha 

Not all matcha is created equal. It’s easy to accidentally purchase a matcha powder that has even more sugar in it than it does matcha… And there’s nothing wrong with that! But when we are wanting to leverage this as a healthy beverage, sugar being the #1 ingredient is not what we’re going for. 

Look for high-quality matcha that is specifically shade-grown in Japan. Opt for matcha that has won awards or is sourced from reputable suppliers to ensure you're getting the best quality product.

Step 2: Use The Right Tools

Before becoming a matcha connoisseur, you need to have the proper tools. You'll need a bamboo whisk (chasen), a matcha bowl (chawan), a bamboo scoop (chashaku), and warm water around 175°F (80°C). These tools are crucial for achieving the perfect frothy texture and flavor in your green tea caffeine replacement.

Step 3: Preparing Your Matcha

Start by warming up your matcha bowl by rinsing it with warm water. This helps to enhance the flavors of the matcha and ensures a smoother texture. Then, using your bamboo scoop, measure out about a teaspoon of matcha powder and sift it into your bowl to remove any clumps.

Step 4: The Fun Part

Pour a small amount of warm water into your matcha bowl, enough to cover the matcha powder. Using your bamboo whisk, gently whisk the matcha and water together in a zig-zag motion until the mixture becomes frothy and well combined. Be sure not to use water that is too hot, as it can scorch the matcha and result in a bitter taste.

Step 5: Sip & Enjoy

Once your matcha is whisked to perfection, it's time to enjoy! Traditionally, matcha is sipped directly from the bowl. Take small sips and savor the rich, earthy flavor of the tea. If you prefer a colder option, you can pour your whisked matcha into a cup filled with ice or shake it with cold water in a blender bottle for a refreshing twist.

BONUS: Try Something New!

While traditional matcha is enjoyed as a frothy tea, don't be afraid to get creative with it! Matcha can be incorporated into smoothies, ice cream, baked goods, and even savory dishes for an added nutritional boost and a vibrant green color.

Mastering the art of making matcha is not only about preparing a delicious beverage but also about embracing a centuries-old tradition and reaping the numerous health benefits it has to offer. So, grab your matcha tools, brew a bowl of this green elixir, and embark on a journey of wellness and discovery. Cheers to your matcha mastery!


To learn more about the health benefits & histories of various teas… 

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